Create Custom Emotes on Kick (Guide)


Emotes are the heart and soul of a streaming channel’s identity on platforms like Kick. These tiny graphics pack a punch in personalizing your channel and engaging your audience. Whether you’re a Kick newcomer or a seasoned streamer looking to spruce up your channel, this guide will walk you through creating and managing custom emotes on Kick.

Understanding Kick Emotes

What Are Emotes?

Emotes on Kick are small, expressive graphics used in chat rooms. They’re a fun way to interact with viewers and foster a sense of community. Each channel can upload a unique set of 60 emotes.

The Power of Emotes

Emotes are more than just cute graphics; they’re a branding tool. They can reflect your personality, your streaming content, or even inside jokes with your community. Effective emotes can become synonymous with your channel, enhancing your brand recognition on the platform.

How to Add Channel Emotes

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to Your Streamer Dashboard: This is your control center.
  2. Select Emotes: Find this under the Community option.
  3. Upload Your Emote: Click the [+] icon next to Channel Emotes, search for your PNG or GIF file (500px x 500px, less than 1MB).
  4. Name Your Emote: This is what users will type in chat to display the emote.
  5. Click Add: And voilà, your emote is live!

Managing Emotes

Removing Emotes

  • Access Emotes in Dashboard: Same as adding, but locate the emote you want to remove.
  • Delete: Click the small x to remove the emote from your channel.

Subscriber Emotes

Affiliates and Verified Kick Channels get to add up to 24 subscriber-only emotes. These emotes can be used by your active subscribers across all channels on Kick.

Adding Subscriber Emotes

The process mirrors adding channel emotes but select the [+] icon next to Subscriber Emotes instead.

Best Practices for Emote Creation

Reflect Your Brand

Your emotes should echo your channel’s theme. If you’re known for a particular game, catchphrase, or mascot, incorporate that into your emotes.

Quality Matters

Ensure your emotes are clear, visible, and look good even at smaller sizes. Poorly designed emotes can detract from the user experience.

Involve Your Community

Engage with your viewers to get ideas for emotes. After all, they’re the ones who will be using them the most.

Tips for Non-Designers

Don’t worry if you’re not a graphic designer. Plenty of online tools and resources can help you create emotes. Websites like Canva, or hiring a freelance designer from platforms like Fiverr, can be great options.


Emotes are a fantastic way to stand out on Kick, engage your community, and express your channel’s unique personality. With this guide, you’re well on your way to elevating your streaming experience with custom emotes that resonate with your audience. Remember, your emotes are an extension of your brand, so make them count!

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Kade Froster

Kade, known for his exceptional proficiency in tech tutorials and an avid dog lover, has carved out a unique niche in the world of technology blogging. With a passion for both the latest tech trends and his canine companions, Kade seamlessly blends his expertise in computer technologies with a relatable, down-to-earth approach that resonates with his audience.


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