Is your iPhone hacked? How to tell, and what to do about it


Despite Apple’s iOS being designed for privacy and security, any device, system, or network can potentially fall victim to hacking, including iPhones. However, there’s no need to panic. There are methods to detect if your iPhone has been compromised, and even if it has, it’s not a catastrophic situation. In this guide, we will detail the indicators of a hacked iPhone, how to ascertain if your phone is hacked, and steps to address the issue.

Identifying Signs of a Hacked iPhone: 5 Common Signals

The last thing anyone wants to consider is the possibility of an unknown individual having infiltrated their iPhone and snooping on their messages, emails, and calls. An even more concerning notion is the potential theft of passwords and access to private accounts through keyloggers.

Regrettably, iPhones can be compromised, particularly when used on unsecured Wi-Fi networks or exposed to man-in-the-middle attacks. Hackers can also gain access through social engineering or by exploiting vulnerabilities, such as downloading unsafe applications.

If you’ve ever questioned whether your iPhone’s security has been breached, utilize the following signs as a checklist:

  1. Decreased Battery Life and Performance

Is your iPhone exhibiting sluggish performance, with apps taking longer to open or close, and a rapid battery drain? These issues could be indicative of a hacked iPhone. Overheating may signal the presence of malicious background processes.

  1. Complaints of Spam from Contacts

If friends and colleagues complain about receiving messages or spam from you that you never sent, your iPhone may have been hacked. Review your sent message history.

  1. Unauthorized Sent Messages

Upon inspecting your sent messages, if you discover messages you didn’t send or find unauthorized outgoing calls, it may imply that another party has control over your device.

  1. Excessive Device Usage

If your data usage surpasses the norm without any corresponding increase in your iPhone’s usage, it’s possible that your phone has been hacked and is being utilized by an unauthorized party.

  1. Unrecognized Apps and Pop-ups

Are unfamiliar apps appearing on your phone, or are pop-ups appearing while browsing? Either scenario could signify unauthorized access to your device.

Determining if Your Phone is Hacked: Utilizing Verification Codes

By employing Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) codes, you can extract information from the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) to ascertain if your iPhone’s security has been compromised.

  1. Redirection Code

If your calls and texts aren’t reaching your contacts, they might be redirected elsewhere. To investigate, dial *#062# on your phone’s keypad and press Send. The displayed phone number reveals the destination of your calls and texts, including any potential redirection.

  1. Redirected Missed Calls Code

A hacker might forward your missed or busy calls to another number. To investigate, dial *#61#. If it confirms unauthorized call forwarding, disable it by dialing ##61#.

  1. Call Tracking Code

To check if someone is tracking your iPhone, dial *#21#. If you identify an unfamiliar number, change it by dialing *#21#.

  1. Reset Forwarding Settings Code

The code ##002# serves as a universal reset, turning off call forwarding and erasing any forwarded messages, calls, and data. It also resets all forwarding settings on your iPhone.

  1. Complete Reset Code

If you suspect your iPhone is hacked, you can perform a factory reset using 27673855#. This action restores factory settings and erases all data and apps. Ensure you back up your data before proceeding.

My iPhone is Compromised: What Steps to Take?

While discovering a hacked iPhone can be unsettling, there’s no need to panic. Follow these steps to address the issue and regain control:

  1. Install and Run Antimalware

Install and run a trusted antivirus/antimalware software to scan your phone for issues. If any problems are detected, the software can automatically resolve them. You may need to perform a factory reset to eliminate all damage.

  1. Change All Passwords

If a hacker gained access to your phone, promptly change all passwords from a computer (not the compromised device).

  1. Remove Suspicious Apps

Consider removing any suspicious or unwanted apps from your phone, especially those you didn’t install. Keep in mind that adept cybercriminals can hide malicious software effectively.

  1. Factory Reset Your iPhone

To comprehensively address the issue, perform a full factory reset on your iPhone. Navigate to Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone > Erase All Content and Settings. Follow the prompts to factory reset your phone. You can restore your iPhone from a recent backup to preserve your data.

  1. Enhance Cybersecurity Habits

In the future, strengthen your cybersecurity practices to prevent further breaches. Follow these tips:

  • Avoid clicking links in suspicious emails.
  • Only install verified apps from the App Store.
  • Vigilantly manage your passwords, using strong, unique ones and refraining from sharing them.
  • Never reuse passwords across multiple websites.
  • Don’t connect to unsecured Wi-Fi networks without a VPN for added security.

iPhone users must remain vigilant to safeguard their devices. Monitor your iPhone for any unusual activity or performance issues. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, consider immediately performing a factory reset, changing your passwords, and enabling encryption for added protection.

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Kade Froster

Kade, known for his exceptional proficiency in tech tutorials and an avid dog lover, has carved out a unique niche in the world of technology blogging. With a passion for both the latest tech trends and his canine companions, Kade seamlessly blends his expertise in computer technologies with a relatable, down-to-earth approach that resonates with his audience.


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