Everything you wanted to know about the Apple Watch fiasco


The temporary suspension of the import ban on Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2 models has been initiated, allowing these devices to be sold again in the United States for a limited time.

Following President Biden’s decision not to veto the sales ban, Apple swiftly filed an urgent appeal to the United States Court of Appeals. In response, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has granted a provisional suspension, halting the ban on Apple Watch imports temporarily while it considers Apple’s plea for an extended suspension throughout the duration of the appeal process.

The International Trade Commission (ITC) is now required to present its counter-arguments to Apple’s request for a prolonged suspension by January 10. This legal action originated when Masimo accused Apple of poaching its staff to misappropriate technology related to blood oxygen monitoring featured in the Apple Watch.

Update 01/17/24:

Apple will be removing the Blood Oxygen feature from all future Apple Watch Series 9 sales to comply with the order.

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Poz Etiv

Poz is a seasoned writer at Just The Tech, where his passion for all things technology shines through in each article. With years of experience in the tech industry, he brings a wealth of knowledge and insight, making complex topics accessible to all. His enthusiasm for the latest tech trends and gadgets makes him a go-to source for readers seeking the cutting edge in technology news and reviews.


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