Storage Almost Full On iPhone 11? Here’s How To Fix It


Are you constantly seeing the dreaded “Storage Almost Full” notification on your iPhone 11? It’s a common problem, but thankfully, there are several strategies to free up space on your device. Let’s dive into some practical solutions to help you reclaim your iPhone’s storage.

Table of Contents show

1. Check Your Storage Usage

The first step in tackling the “Storage Almost Full” issue on your iPhone 11 is to understand what exactly is eating up your space. This requires a deep dive into your device’s storage usage. By navigating to Settings > General > [iPhone] Storage, you get a visual representation of what’s taking up room. This could include:

  • Apps: Individual apps and their data.
  • Photos and Videos: Media files, which are often the largest culprits.
  • System Data: iOS and other essential system files.
  • Messages: Texts, pictures, videos, and attachments in the Messages app.
  • Mail: Emails and their attachments.
  • Other: Miscellaneous data that doesn’t fit into other categories.

This overview is crucial as it not only shows you how much space each category uses but also helps in prioritizing your cleaning efforts.

Prioritize Based on Size and Necessity

Once you have a breakdown of your storage, prioritize your cleanup based on the size and necessity of each category. For instance:

  • Large apps that are seldom used should be at the top of your removal list.
  • Photos and videos can be backed up to iCloud or another service, then deleted from the device.
  • Messages with hefty attachments can be cleared out.

Regular Monitoring for Optimal Performance

Regularly monitoring your storage is key to maintaining optimal performance of your iPhone 11. Make it a habit to check your storage usage every few weeks. This proactive approach helps you stay on top of your storage needs and ensures that your device remains fast and efficient.

Utilize Recommendations

Your iPhone may also provide personalized recommendations for freeing up space, such as reviewing downloaded videos or large message attachments. These tailored suggestions can be highly effective in quickly reclaiming storage.

2. Delete Unnecessary Apps

The second step in managing your iPhone 11’s storage is tackling the plethora of apps you may have accumulated over time. Many of these apps might be sitting unused, quietly consuming valuable space. Here’s how to identify which apps should be on your deletion list:

  • Check Last Used: Under Settings > General > [iPhone] Storage, you can see when you last used an app. If it’s been months or even years, it’s probably safe to remove.
  • Review App Size: Next to each app, you’ll see how much space it takes up. Larger apps, especially those not frequently used, are prime candidates for deletion.
  • Consider App Functionality: Evaluate if the app still serves a purpose in your life. For instance, if you have multiple apps for the same function, consider keeping only the one you prefer.

Deleting Apps: A Step-by-Step Guide

Once you’ve identified which apps to delete, follow these simple steps:

  1. Press and Hold: Lightly press and hold the app icon on your home screen until it starts jiggling.
  2. Tap the ‘X’: An ‘X’ will appear on the top corner of the app icon. Tap it to delete the app.
  3. Confirm Deletion: A pop-up will appear asking if you want to delete the app. Confirm to proceed.

Remember, deleting an app also removes its data from your device, so ensure that you’ve backed up any important information.

Reinstalling Apps If Needed

If you find that you need an app you’ve deleted, you can always reinstall it from the App Store. Your purchase history is retained, so even paid apps can be re-downloaded at no extra cost.

Utilizing Offloading

For apps you use infrequently but aren’t ready to delete, consider the “Offload Unused Apps” feature. This option, found in Settings > General > [iPhone] Storage, allows you to remove the app but keep its data. When you reinstall the app, the data is restored, making this a great option for managing storage without losing data.

The Impact of Deleting Apps

Removing unused apps can have a noticeable impact on your iPhone’s performance. It not only frees up storage but can also lead to better battery life and system efficiency. It declutters your home screen as well, making it easier to navigate and find the apps you do use.

3. Clear Safari Cache

The third key strategy in managing your iPhone 11’s storage is clearing the Safari cache. The cache is a collection of website data stored to speed up the browsing experience by loading pages faster on subsequent visits. However, over time, this data can accumulate and take up a significant amount of storage space.

Steps to Clear Safari Cache

Clearing your Safari cache is a straightforward process, but it’s important to note that it will log you out of websites and clear your browsing history. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Settings: Start by opening the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Navigate to Safari: Scroll down and tap on ‘Safari’ to open the browser settings.
  3. Clear History and Website Data: Scroll down in the Safari settings and find the option labeled ‘Clear History and Website Data.’ Tap on it.
  4. Confirm the Action: You’ll receive a prompt confirming that this action will remove history, cookies, and other browsing data. Confirm to proceed.

The Immediate Benefits

Clearing the Safari cache has several immediate benefits:

  • Frees Up Space: It can free up a surprising amount of storage, especially if you haven’t cleared it in a long time.
  • Enhances Performance: Clearing the cache can speed up your browser performance, as it gets rid of outdated and possibly corrupted data.
  • Privacy and Security: Regularly clearing your cache is good for privacy, as it removes your browsing history and data from your device.

Regular Maintenance

Like deleting unused apps, clearing your Safari cache should be part of your regular iPhone maintenance routine. Depending on your browsing habits, doing this monthly or quarterly can keep your device running smoothly without compromising too much on browsing speed.

Alternative: Using Private Browsing

If you are concerned about constantly accumulating cache data, consider using Safari’s Private Browsing mode for certain activities. In this mode, Safari doesn’t save your browsing history or cache data, which can help keep your storage in check.

The Trade-offs

While clearing the cache helps with storage, there are trade-offs:

  • Website Loading Times: Initially, you may notice a slight slowdown in webpage loading times, as Safari will need to re-download previously cached data.
  • Logging Back Into Websites: You’ll need to log back into any websites where you were previously signed in.

4. Manage Photos and Videos

Photos and videos are often the largest consumers of storage on your iPhone 11. With their high quality and the ease of capturing moments, it’s common to accumulate a vast collection quickly. Efficiently managing these files is crucial in reclaiming and maintaining your storage space.

1. Delete Unnecessary Photos and Videos

Start by sifting through your photo library:

  • Review and Remove: Browse through your photos and videos, deleting any that are no longer needed, such as duplicates, blurry shots, or irrelevant videos.
  • Use the ‘Recently Deleted’ Album: Deleted photos and videos go to the ‘Recently Deleted’ album and stay there for 30 days. Remember to empty this folder to immediately free up space.

2. Use iCloud Photos

iCloud Photos can help manage your storage:

  • Enable iCloud Photos: Go to Settings > Photos and enable iCloud Photos. This feature uploads your full-resolution photos and videos to iCloud and keeps lightweight versions on your iPhone.
  • Optimize iPhone Storage: Choose ‘Optimize iPhone Storage’ to save space. Your iPhone will retain smaller, device-sized versions of your photos and download the full-resolution versions from iCloud as needed.

3. Organize Photos and Videos

Organizing your media can also aid in managing storage:

  • Create Albums: Sort photos and videos into albums for better organization, making it easier to find and delete unwanted items.
  • Use Smart Albums: Consider using features like ‘Favorites’ or ‘Yearly Highlights’ to quickly access photos you value the most.

4. Empty Recently Deleted Album

Photos and videos are not immediately removed from your device when deleted. They move to the ‘Recently Deleted’ album:

  • Manually Empty the Album: Regularly check and empty this album to reclaim storage space immediately.

5. Transfer to External Storage

Consider using external storage solutions:

  • Backup to a Computer: Regularly transfer photos and videos to your computer or an external hard drive.
  • Cloud Storage Services: Besides iCloud, use other cloud services like Google Photos or Dropbox for additional backup options.

6. Limit Photo Stream

If you use My Photo Stream:

  • Turn Off Photo Stream: This feature uploads your last 1,000 photos to all your iCloud devices, consuming additional space. Consider turning it off in Settings > Photos.

5. Offload Unused Apps

The fifth strategy in managing your iPhone 11’s storage effectively involves the use of the ‘Offload Unused Apps’ feature. This unique iOS feature helps free up space while retaining the app’s data, making it an ideal solution for apps you don’t use frequently but might need in the future.

How Offloading Works

When you offload an app, the application itself is deleted from your iPhone, but all its data and documents are saved. If you decide to reinstall the app later, it will be restored along with all its data, ensuring you don’t lose any progress or settings.

Steps to Offload Apps

  1. Manually Offload an App: Go to Settings > General > [iPhone] Storage. Tap on the app you want to offload, then select ‘Offload App’ and confirm.
  2. Automatically Offload Apps: To enable automatic offloading of unused apps, go to Settings > iTunes & App Store, and toggle on ‘Offload Unused Apps’.

Benefits of Offloading Apps

  • Saves Space Without Data Loss: Offloading is a great way to save space without permanently losing the app’s data.
  • Automatic Reinstallation: When you tap on an offloaded app, it automatically reinstalls with all its previous data.
  • Ideal for Rarely Used Apps: It’s perfect for apps you don’t use regularly but might need occasionally, like travel apps or specific productivity tools.

Considerations When Offloading Apps

  • Internet Required for Reinstallation: You will need an internet connection to reinstall offloaded apps.
  • Not Suitable for Critical Apps: Avoid offloading apps you rely on daily, as reinstallation requires time and a data connection.

Monitoring Offloaded Apps

  • Check Offloaded Apps: Offloaded apps are listed in your iPhone Storage under Settings, marked with a small cloud icon next to the app name.
  • Manage Offloaded Apps: You can always decide to reinstall or completely delete offloaded apps from the iPhone Storage settings.

The Impact on Device Performance

Offloading unused apps can also positively impact your iPhone’s performance. It helps in decluttering your home screen and can potentially improve device speed and battery life by reducing the number of active background processes.

6. Clear Messages and Mail Data

The sixth essential strategy in managing your iPhone 11’s storage effectively involves addressing data accumulated in the Messages and Mail apps. Text messages, especially those with media attachments, and email data can take up a surprising amount of space over time.

Managing Messages Storage

1. Auto-Delete Old Messages
  • Enable Auto-Delete: In Settings > Messages, you can select ‘Keep Messages’ and choose to automatically delete messages after 30 days or 1 year. This helps in continuously clearing old messages you might not need.
2. Review and Delete Conversations
  • Manually Delete Conversations: Periodically review message threads and delete those that are no longer relevant, especially those with large attachments.
3. Clear Message Attachments
  • Delete Heavy Attachments: In the iPhone Storage under Messages, you can find and delete large attachments like photos, videos, and GIFs that consume significant space.

Managing Mail Storage

1. Delete Old Emails
  • Regular Cleanup: Regularly go through your inbox and other folders to delete emails you no longer need, especially those with large attachments.
2. Empty Trash and Junk Folders
  • Manual Emptying: Make sure to regularly empty the Trash and Junk folders within the Mail app to free up space.
3. Limit Mail Sync
  • Adjust Sync Settings: In your Mail account settings, you can choose to limit the number of emails synced to your device. For example, syncing only the last week’s or month’s emails instead of all emails can save storage.

Impact of Clearing Messages and Mail Data

Clearing out old messages and mail can have a significant impact on your iPhone’s storage. It not only frees up space but also helps in decluttering your digital space, making it easier to find important messages and emails.

Best Practices

  • Regular Review: Make it a habit to periodically review and clean up your Messages and Mail apps.
  • Use Cloud Services for Important Files: For important attachments, consider saving them to a cloud service like iCloud Drive or Dropbox instead of keeping them within Messages or Mail.

7. Optimize Music and Podcast Downloads

The seventh strategy in managing your iPhone 11’s storage revolves around optimizing music and podcast downloads. While Apple Music and the Podcasts app are fantastic for entertainment, their downloaded content can quickly eat up a lot of space.

Managing Music Downloads

1. Review and Delete Unnecessary Downloads
  • Manually Clear Music: Periodically go through your downloaded music in the Apple Music app. Remove songs or albums you no longer listen to by swiping left on the item and tapping ‘Delete’.
2. Optimize Storage in Apple Music
  • Automatic Storage Management: Apple Music offers an option to automatically manage storage. Go to Settings > Music and enable ‘Optimize Storage’. You can set a minimum storage limit (e.g., 4GB, 8GB), and the app will remove downloaded music you haven’t listened to recently when the limit is reached.

Managing Podcast Downloads

1. Delete Played Episodes
  • Manual Cleanup: Regularly check your Podcasts app for episodes you have already played and delete them. You can do this by swiping left on the episode and selecting ‘Delete’.
2. Limit Episode Downloads
  • Control Downloads: In the Podcasts app settings, you can choose to limit the number of episodes downloaded. For example, you can set it to only keep the most recent episodes of each podcast.
3. Set Episodes to Auto-Delete
  • Enable Auto-Delete: To manage storage automatically, set podcasts to delete themselves after you’ve listened to them. This option is available in the settings of each podcast subscription.

The Benefits of Optimizing Downloads

  • Frees Up Significant Space: Music and podcasts can take up a considerable amount of space, especially if you download them for offline use. Regularly managing these downloads can free up a surprising amount of storage.
  • Keeps Content Fresh: Regularly reviewing and updating your downloads helps keep your entertainment library fresh and relevant to your current tastes.

Best Practices for Media Management

  • Regular Reviews: Make it a habit to review your downloads every few weeks.
  • Use Streaming: If you have a consistent internet connection, consider streaming music and podcasts instead of downloading them.

8. Backup and Restore

The eighth and final strategy in managing your iPhone 11’s storage is the backup and restore process. This method can be particularly effective in addressing unexplained storage categories like ‘System’ or ‘Other’, which sometimes accumulate data that’s not easily categorized or cleared through standard methods.

Understanding Backup and Restore

  • Backup: This involves creating a copy of all the data on your iPhone. You can backup your iPhone to iCloud or to your computer using iTunes or Finder (on macOS Catalina and later).
  • Restore: Restoring involves erasing all the data on your iPhone and then loading a previous backup. This process can clear out unneeded files and data clutter that’s not removed by other cleaning methods.

How to Backup Your iPhone

  1. Backup to iCloud: Go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud > iCloud Backup and turn on ‘iCloud Backup’. Your iPhone will automatically backup to iCloud when connected to Wi-Fi and plugged into a power source.
  2. Backup to Computer: Connect your iPhone to your computer and open iTunes (or Finder on macOS Catalina and later). Select your device and click ‘Back Up Now’.

How to Restore Your iPhone

  1. Erase Your iPhone: Go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings. This will delete everything from your iPhone and return it to its factory settings.
  2. Restore from Backup: After erasing, you can restore your iPhone from a previous backup. If using iCloud, follow the on-screen instructions in the iPhone setup process. If using a computer, connect your iPhone and choose to restore from a recent backup in iTunes or Finder.

Benefits of Backup and Restore

  • Deep Clean: This method can often free up space that’s not accessible through standard cleaning methods, particularly in the ‘Other’ storage category.
  • Refreshes Your Device: It can improve the overall performance of your iPhone, making it feel faster and more responsive.

Considerations Before Backup and Restore

  • Time-Consuming: The process can be time-consuming, depending on the amount of data and the backup method.
  • Data Integrity: Ensure you have a recent and complete backup to avoid data loss.
  • App Reinstallation: Some apps might need to be reinstalled manually, and app data that isn’t included in the backup might be lost.


Running out of space on your iPhone 11 can be frustrating, but with these tips, you can efficiently manage your storage. Regularly reviewing and cleaning up your iPhone not only frees up space but also keeps your device running smoothly. Remember, maintaining your digital space is just as important as organizing your physical space!

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Kade Froster

Kade, known for his exceptional proficiency in tech tutorials and an avid dog lover, has carved out a unique niche in the world of technology blogging. With a passion for both the latest tech trends and his canine companions, Kade seamlessly blends his expertise in computer technologies with a relatable, down-to-earth approach that resonates with his audience.


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